
It's time for an intervention.

Dear World,

Remember the days before cell phones and ipods and computers and texting and im'ing and emailing and facebook and dvd's and even blogging?

Remember when you used to communicate with people by actually having a face to face conversation? When you used to sit in a room with people and talk without being interrupted by ringtones and beeps? I miss those days.

I miss the days when I used to be able to talk to people and have them look me in the eyes. When a night out with friends meant that you got their undivided attention. Somedays I actually miss being technology free.

My own obsession with technology started slowly. I didn't have the internet at home until my junior year of high school. But once it came, along came emailing and im'ing. And I remember at least two important high school conversations taking place over the computer rather than in person. Then came college.

I still remember the day when I sat 500 feet away from a friend and im'd them instead of talked to them. It's when I first realized technology could pose a threat.

Then came the cell phone. A year later, texting. A couple years after that, an ipod. A laptop. A touch ipod with internet capabilities. Myspace. Facebook.

A million things that can distract me from real human relationships.

I vow to stop letting my cell phone conversations distract me from real conversations. I vow to call instead of text (at least some of the time). I vow to only chat on facebook when I don't have anyone "real" to chat with.

And I think some of you, world, should vow to do the same. Because I'm tired of having only half of your attention. I'm tired of hanging out with my friends and their cell phones.

I want a little piece of the "before technology" world back.

The end.


I'm usually not a big celebrator of Valentine's Day. Mostly because in the past 28 years, I've been single on Valentine's Day for 26 of them. And who wants to celebrate a day of being in love when you aren't.

I don't normally throw anti-Valentine's Day parties, or cry myself to sleep or shoot arrows back at cupid. I do what I do best...I ignore that the day even exists.

That way I don't feel too sorry for my lonesome self :)

But this year I decided that I would not ignore the day and I would not feel sorry for myself and I would not let my friends feel sorry for themselves either.

So I made some cute little homemade Valentine's and some delicious homemade sugar cookies. I wrote thoughtful little notes. And I decided that I would deliver some love to the friends around town that I love best.

And you know what? Valentine's Day seemed a whole lot more fun. I even wore a pink shirt in celebration.

Even though I might not have that "special someone" in my life just yet, I have a whole lot of people that I love that I can celebrate with instead.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Baby It's Cold Outside

The weather outside right now...9 degrees. But it feels like a balmy -5.

And guess who currently doesn't have heat or hot water in their house?

Of course our heater would break on the coldest days of the year. And of course our pipes would consequently freeze.

I know I shouldn't complain because there are people far worse off than me but...

I really hate the cold.