Normally I would consider myself a good driver, at least, a fairly good driver. I pay attention to the road and to the other drivers, I hardly ever veer into another lane, and I've never been in an accident. I, at least, feel safe when I am driving! Yesterday, however, my driving skills were highly questionable.
For example, there were multiple times when I suddenly realized that I was driving in two lanes instead of one (luckily there were no other cars on the road). I tried to blame it on the fact that Utah has no shiny reflectors in their lanes but to be honest, I think that I was still partly to blame.
And if that isn't enough to convince you, this next part should do the trick. I was on my way home from Park City and decided that I would go on 80 through Salt Lake instead of through Provo Canyon. That part went splendidly (except for the before mentioned veering) until I looked over at Megan and asked if we were on 15 yet. The fact that I didn't know is scary enough, but then we saw a sign that said 15 north and it didn't even register to either of us that 15 north is the exact opposite way of American Fork (home). You would think that as we passed by Salt Lake...going the wrong way mind you...that we would realize our mistake. Still, no. I even stared at the city as we passed, realizing that something was wrong, and I still didn't figure it out.
It's a good thing that Megan was in the car because as we passed a sign for Farmington, I actually said "I can't believe that we haven't even hit Farmington yet." For those of you not familiar with Utah, Farmington is nowhere near anywhere that we wanted to be. It would be like driving to Frederick and somehow ending up in Martinsburg. Luckily, Megan is a little big quicker than I am and she informed me that we shouldn't be going to Farmington. I started laughing so hard that I seriously became a danger on the road. We had to pull over for like 10 minutes while I gained control.
And who even knows how long I would have kept driving?!?