
Future Vikings

After being reprimanded by Eliza for never actually writing on my blog, I decided to give it another take.  Today's big news...I have an interview for a school district in Maryland.  Finally...I was starting to worry a little.  Even though I am excited about actually getting an interview, I'm not actually excited about the interviewing process.  I seriously hate sitting there with a bunch of people that I don't know, trying to figure out exactly what they want me to say.  I mean, is there really a good answer to "What are your weaknesses?"  I always try to put the positive spin on it, but I'm pretty sure that my interviewers see right through me.  I mean, how bad is it to really be overly organized????  And as an interviewee, it's a little discerning to have 1-6 pairs of eyes staring me down and trying to figure out if I would, in fact, be a good counselor.  But regardless of my qualms about the interviewing process, I am still excited about the prospect of a new job (and therefore, a little more money).

Another thought, I'm attending our school play, Seussical the Musical, tomorrow night.  I'll let you know how it goes. 

1 comment:

Shelley Family said...

Hey! I am so excited you have a blog because now I can add you to my friends link on my blog and keep track of what you are up to after you move! Hope things are going well, and feel free to check out my blog anytime. http://www.shelleyfam.blogspot.com/
Laura :)