
Story Time....

Since yesterday's time restrictions kept my description of the crash relatively short, I thought I should provide a few more details today.

Saturday morning, I decided (along with my friends Angie and Andrea), that we should make a trip to Cortez, Colorado. Cortez, while not a city of substantial size, does boast a Wal-mart and actual restaurants to sit and eat in. So we decided to make the 1.5 hour drive.

The morning went well..the Wal-mart run was successful, we caught a few volleyball games and had lunch at a Chinese place. Then in early afternoon, we decided that we should head back to Blanding.

As we came up over a hill, I noticed that there was a car stopped in the road, preparing to turn left. They had their blinker on and you could see the brake lights so I wrongly assumed that Angie (our fearless driver) noticed the warning signs as well. As we got closer and I realized that she was not stopping, I started yelling. At this point, she decided to swerve and veered left. (Sidenote-I still have no idea why she veered to the left but it turned out to be our lifesaver because on the right was a 30 foot drop which, as you can imagine, probably wouldn't have turned out so well).

So she veered left while the truck was still turning left. We missed the truck as well as the driveway they were turning into, and I realized that we would be hitting a 5 foot drop going about 60 mph. I think I yelled out something like "oh crap" right as we went airborn. We flew a little bit, landed hard, and then drove into a fence.

It was scary, it hurt pretty dang bad, but we are all safe. Looking back, I know that there must have been some divine intervention leading to some of the things that happened:

1. Angie's strange veer to the left...who goes left, across traffic, when the car you are trying to avoid hitting is turning left?
2. Apparently we hit the edge just right and we were going just fast enough to fly rather than do a nose-dive
3. Angie's dad was only 10 minutes behind us and so he pulled up and helped us take care of everything
4. And obviously, the fact that we are all safe in what could have been a pretty bad ending

I'm incredibly grateful that everything turned out okay and that we have someone watching over us. I do wish however that there was some video of what we did, cause I have a feeling it would have been pretty cool to watch.


Cody and Nicole said...

Oh my gosh! I didn't even see your last post that you were in an accident. I cannot believe it! I'm so glad you are safe. Love you and I miss you tremendously!!

Eliza said...

That is CRAZY! You were definitely being watched over. I'm so glad everyone lived to tell the tale.

Eric said...

WOW! That would have freaked me out. You're good to only say "oh crap" I know the words coming out of my mouth would have been just a little bit different:) Thank goodness you are safe. How did the car turn out?

Bekah: said...

I am so glad things turned out OK! I agree with the other person who posted. Crap would not have been my word of choice!

Rachel Wagner. said...

Scary! I am so glad you are safe and not too badly hurt. Let me know if you could use some warmers for your back or neck. Car crashes are the worst.