
You may have noticed that my new blog layout includes a number of adorable pictures of birds. And most of you may not know that I have a secret obsession with birds that was not pointed out to me until Angie came to my house and asked why I had so many wooden birds in random places around my house.
(Now that I think of it...I have always said that if I never get married and am forced to spend the rest of my life living by myself, I would like to be known as the bird lady rather than the cat lady).

I realized after visiting with my cute grandma, that I get my obsession from her (is that something that can be passed down through genes?). She has birds and birdhouses spread throughout her house. So while I don't look like her (she's only like 4'11 and tiny) and I don't have her temperament (she's super sweet), at least I can say I got something from her!


Rachel Wagner. said...

You'd be like the lady on Mary Poppins. You could even go around singing the song about her "Feed the Birds". A lot of people in Indiana had birds. Not my favorite to be honest but then not many animals are. Actually none are, so I am the wrong person to comment!
It will be fun visiting the bird lady as I become the cat lady who doesn't have any cats!

Morgan said...

Ya learn something new everyday...I had no idea that you have a secret obsession with birdies! What other secrets have you been keeping from me??

I do love the new look! It's pretty sad that I've never changed my blog background...guess I should do that sometime!

Jennifer said...

I didn't know Grandma liked birds for the longest time (well until this last time I think, when I was looking at the book Aunt Elaine made). I think all of us get the chocolate liking gene from her. It was good to see you!