
Remember how for an entire summer I completely gave up blogging? Partly because I didn't have easy access to computers and internet and partly because I was just too dang busy.

Now I'm back in Blanding/Halchita working once again. I have a new wardrobe and a new attitude and I'm ready to go. I'm feeling incredibly optimistic about the year and what it has in store for me. I'm organized and my office looks beautiful. I'm attending a brand new single's branch and enjoying spending time with the friends I have already made.

It will be a good year...I feel it.


Eric said...

Love the optimism and can't wait to hear all about your summer travels.

Morgan said...

I'm soooo glad you're back to blogging! I have missed keeping up with you! I hope you had a wonderful summer. With the positive attitude you have right now I'm sure you're going to have a great year! Love you!

aly said...

i want to see your new wardrobe.

Camille said...

Thanks guys! I'm glad to be back too! And Aly..you should recognize like half of my new wardrobe because it all came from shade!