
Sleeping Bag Fights

Tomorrow is the big day...Jessica and Matt get married after a full year of preparations! In honor of the upcoming nuptials, four of the fantastic five (does that make us the fantastic four or does that totally not work anymore?!?) decided to go old-school and have a sleepover. Too bad that we got so old in the mean time because our sleepover now ended with us all tucked safely away in our own beds. I guess the back of a 16 year old is much stronger than the back of a 26 year old!

Still, it was fun to be with old friends just talking the night away. I am so grateful for such amazing friends that have stayed a part of my life through distance and time. I can't wait for another phase to begin with all of us!

1 comment:

Bekah: said...

wow!!! how did you did you find me?? i am so excited that you did. it has been WAY too long! i'd love to keep in touch with you! so you are back in MD looking for a job as a HS counselor? That is great. My mom does that, she went back to school for her masters a few years after my Dad died.

how is your family? i think about you all a lot. you were like second family to us in MD.

hope all is well, stay in touch!