
It's time.

Time for a new attitude. A new outlook on life. A new me.

I've taken my first steps towards making my life what I want it to be. And as usual, I've made a list of what I want to see happen. With goals, lots of goals.

But this time I feel like something is different. I feel as though I might be able to stick with my goals this time. And accomplish what I've been wanting to accomplish for years.

So here it is, my list of things I'm working on:

1. Read scriptures/say prayers daily. No skipping. Because when I have a good relationship with my Heavenly Father, I automatically feel better.

2. Try out yet another way to clean up my ever burdening acne prone skin. I broke down and bought proactiv. I've been trying it for about a week and a half so I don't have much to say on that front yet. We'll see what it looks like in another 4 weeks. I'm hoping this one is finally the answer *fingers crossed*

3. Lose weight. For good. None of this losing 15 pounds and then gaining it back. My first goal-lost 30 pounds before 2011. Once again, I only just started to so I don't have much to report on yet. But I joined weight watchers. And I've actually been cooking (shocking, I know) and making healthy fun meals. I've also been walking-with friends or with my ipod. I feel dedicated and even after just a day, I feel better. Probably because I'm on the right track.
4. Be happy. I mean, I am happy but sometimes when I'm tired and sick of working, I get moody. And I hate moody Camille. So my goal is to be happy. All the time.

So there you have it, just a short list. But a short list that has the power to change my life. Now I just need the encouragement to keep up with it. To not give up when I get discouraged.


Rachel Wagner. said...

Those are great goals. You can do it! If I can loose 33.5 lbs you can! Maybe we can encourage each other.
BTW, I'd take moody Camille over most people I know any day!

Tex said...

I love proactiv! I swear by it! I still get a few pimples, but it is nothing compared to what I had in high school before I started proactiv.