
Bits of light

Right now I feel like my life is kinda a mess...I'm still living by myself in the middle of nowhere and I have no idea what my plans are for next year. I'm trying to stay positive but with no one to talk to and only myself to figure things out, I start to feel like the dark clouds are rolling in.

But every once in awhile there are little bits of light that poke through those clouds and remind me that things are going to work out the way that they are supposed to.

My lights this weekend:

-A visit with Nicole, an amazing person and friend who lets me be me without judging. Hanging out with her reminds me that I'm worthy of happiness and love (another bit of light...a conversation with her little boy that went like this: "when this caterpillar sheds his skin, guess what it will turn into?" "a butterfly" He looks at me like I'm stupid to which he replies "no, a butterfly")

-A simple text from a friend I hadn't heard from in awhile...it's always a treat hearing from old friends!


Anonymous said...

I think that you should move back to Utah County. I am! hehe

Cody and Nicole said...

I'm so glad you came to see me last weekend! It was so good to see you. I really hope you move back this way sometime soon. Love you!