
Why I'm feeling the way I do...

I spent the entire morning in a meeting which is not the most pleasant way to spend a morning. But then I went into the 2nd grade and taught them how to make origami frogs in order to work on their listening/following direction skills. And having an origami frog race is a much better way to spend the working hours.

I officially bought my ticket for Hawaii! I had a few moments of buyer's remorse but got over that pretty quickly thinking about how much fun I will have there.

I got two phone calls last night that really made me re-evaluate my life and what I'm doing with it. One of my very best friends just got some sad news about her sister and it reminded me how important my friends and family are and how precious life is.

I'm headed for a fun weekend in northern UT to celebrate some birthday's and get away from the land of nowhere! I can't wait to see old friends (and to see city lights).


Eric said...

I wish I were going to Hawaii! And yes life is so precious and that's exactly why you should go to Hawaii.

Bekah: said...

hooray, how fun for you. live it up why you can Camille. I admire how you make life such an adventure, always! You are awesome.

I really, really hope we get to see each other soon. We'll be back in Mesa (right by Phoenix) in November and hopefully we will be close enough to see each other.

Rachel Wagner. said...

I am so glad you decided to go. It wouldn't have been the same without you! Aloha!