
It's Official

My baby sister is officially engaged and will be getting married on May 21 in SLC. Hooray for weddings! And for being another bridesmaid (this will be my 5th time...is there a limit as to how many times you can be a bridesmaid????).

Here's a pic of the happy couple:

I'm officially the only single Rowley left...anyone know any good guys for me?


Rachel Wagner. said...

If there isn't a limit there certainly should be. I hope this won't infringe on our Hawaii plans; although, I know family is more important. Tell Chelsea congrats!

Morgan said...

Yea for Chelsey (I forget how to spell it)!!! That's great news! I have to admit that I'm a little jealous...I've never been a bridesmaid. What does that say about me? Although I was my sis.'s "matron of honor". Not exactly the same thing. Hurry up and get married so I can be one!

I always keep my eyes peeled for single, southern guys (for you of course), but I haven't found any yet! Just give me some time!

P.S. I joined Facebook and sent you an invite to be my friend :) Did you get the invite?