
The million dollar question (okay, more like the $322 question):

Should I go to Hawaii this year?

In order to answer this question, you might need to have some background information. I have gone the past two years because my friend Rachel can get us a great deal on some lodging (aka...free). She has invited me to go once again and at first I was thinking that I probably couldn't afford it. Then I found a sweet non-stop flight from Phoenix that would only cost $322 including taxes. Not that I can really afford that (that money should be going toward my mountain of debt), but I'm kinda thinking...with that kind of deal, can I really afford not to go?

And in case you need even more information to make your decision, here are some pictures of one of my favorite places on earth:


Jennifer said...

I say yes, enjoy your life!

Anonymous said...

Hey Camille- I say that you should go for me because I've never been. hehe

Jackie said...

YES! YES! YES! .... and take me with you please!