
Good news moment #2

And now for the good news moment of the day....tomorrow is this girls birthday:

(excuse the lame work picture...it's a sad thing when this is the best picture I have of the two of us!)

Meet Nicole...one of my bestest friends for about a million reasons. But since I don't have the time and energy to write a million reasons...I'll just come up with three.

1. She is the best listener ever...I can go on for hours when I'm with her and she never complains or looks bored. But she can also tell some pretty good stories. I love to hear about the drama in her family because it makes the drama in my family seem just a little bit more normal!

2. She never judges, ever. I could tell her the worst thing about myself and I think that she would still think the same of me. Doesn't everyone want a friend like that? It means that I can always be completely 100% honest and not worry that she'll think less of me.

3. She is a great example to me...she was working full time, finishing up her degree, and taking care of Riley and Cody while Cody was in grad school. And she still had time to come up with the cutest lessons ever for nursery. Because she is a-maz-ing. Someday I want to be the kind of wife and mother that she is.

If you ever get the chance to meet Nicole, you will be super lucky. Because she is the best. And we get to hang out tomorrow! Hurray!

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