
This is me. At the beginning of the year. Driving alone to Mexican Hat.

Remember how in August I hated being here? How I complained all the time about living in the middle of nowhere and having no friends? Well...I might still feel that way sometimes but I think that I've also learned a lot about myself this year.

I've learned that I'm stronger than I think I am and that I can handle pretty much anything life throws at me.
I've learned that I enjoy having some alone time and I enjoy having some people time. It's good to be friends with yourself first because it makes it easier to be friends with everyone else.
I've learned to appreciate the now. I tend to only look forward to the future and where my life will be eventually. I've learned to stop and enjoy what I'm doing right. at. this. second.
I've learned to appreciate absolute silence and not be scared (okay...so sometimes I still might be scared at night when I hear one little noise but that's normal, right? right?)
And I've learned to appreciate the amazing people who have entered my life at the times when I needed them most. Right now I'm especially grateful for the people I met in Blanding who may or may not have saved me from going crazy.


Eric said...

Just shows why you were meant to be down there. I love it when people can find the positive and see what they've learned from their experiences. You are strong!

Eliza said...

I have loved following your adventures. I love that you just took the plunge. The fact that you can live alone in such a solitary place--and yet you're so not a hermit and you still have great friendships--says a lot. I agree with Jen, you are a strong person!

...which reminds me of a quote from Groundhog Day...sorry if you're not familiar...but anyway Bill Murray says to Andie MacDowell, "What a waste of time! I mean... for anyone else that would be an incredible waste of time. You must be a very, very strong person."

It's funny, I promise! :)

Have a good day!