
Hiatus =
1. a period of time where one is on a break
2. An interruption in the continuinty of an action
3. A natural fissure in a structure
4. What I have been on for the past few weeks

My life has been a series of ups and downs lately and I've been so busy trying to keep control that I haven't even thought about posting in forever.

And there have been so many things to post about like an awesome 27th birthday with some amazing friends, a fun camping trip to Sand Island in Bluff, a trip to Snowbird that included hot tubbing in the snow and an impending visit from my family, a wedding (not mine unfortunately), a move, and a trip to Hawaii!

Even though the next few weeks will be busy, I fully intend on posting so be prepared for some pretty awesome pictures once I get my camera working again!


Rachel Wagner. said...

Maybe we can post together on both our blogs in HAWAII!!!!!!!!

Eric said...

I was wondering where you've been. Missed reading about what you're up to. Have fun in the next few weeks.

Megan said...

It's about time chica. I like reading your "journal".