
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.-Dr. Seuss

I don't like doing things that I'm not good at. I especially don't like doing things that I'm not good at when everyone else is good at those same things. I doubly especially don't like doing things "just for fun" when I am not good at it and everyone else is.

Evidence A-Bowling
I know what you are thinking-how can I not like bowling? Isn't that un-American or something? Possibly...but the truth is, I hate it because I am bad at it. I am quite certain that my best score has never broken 100. In fact, my best score has probably never even broken 80. So it's the worst when someone says...lets go bowling...it will be fun. And I know that while it may be fun for those people that are good at bowling, it is rarely fun for me. The other horrible thing about bowling...I can't just sit on the sidelines and enjoy watching everyone else bowl because then I am suddenly a party pooper.

Evidence B-Volleyball
I learned long ago that there is never a "just for fun" game of volleyball. Especially if there are boys involved. (Oh, unless it is water volleyball in which case it can be "just for fun". Also, I learned this summer that I am pretty awesome at water volleyball so I do not hate it...because I hate the things I'm bad at, not the things I am awesome at). I officially quit playing volleyball my freshman year of college when I realized this sad truth. And if you are the one that is not so great, you are the one getting yelled at. And getting yelled at is never fun.

Evidence C-Talking in front of large groups of people
It's not fun, I'm not good at it, and I guarantee that at any given time, there are at least 5 people listening who know more about the subject than I do. This one I actually wish that I was good at. But alas, it is not the case.

So the question is...how do I learn to enjoy these things that I'm not good at? Because as much as I would like to never participate in any of them, I know that societal pressures will keep me bowling and "playing" volleyball and publicly speaking. Boo to societal pressures.

1 comment:

Eliza said...

I am SO WITH YOU on volleyball! I am terrible at volleyball and I always dreaded having to play it for mutual or PE in high school or for FHE in college. You are right--all of a sudden as soon as a volleyball game starts it's like the points equal life or death.

I am also less than enthusiastic about bowling, and also not good at it, although I don't hate it as much as volleyball.

Public speaking I don't mind except for the part where I turn bright red EVERY TIME. That part I hate. I think I would be good at public speaking in the dark.