
Sometimes I'm really tired and I don't know what to write about. And sometimes I get inspiration about what to write from other people and their blogs.

Lately I've seen a couple blogs with the "challenge" to go to your first picture folder, find the tenth picture and then tell the story behind the picture. And I thought-why not? Might as well, I say.

So my tenth picture is...

Right now, looking at this picture, I am so sad that I am sitting in an office in Halchita, UT (is it still considered UT when you are on the Navjo Nation??? That's something I have yet to learn since I've been here) and not on a beach in Hawaii.

This picture was taken on Hanauma Bay. I was taking a break from snorkeling and nursing my tiny little cut from the coral reef when I remembered that if you got cut, you were supposed to go tell a lifeguard. And I noticed that the lifeguard was pretty hot (you can't really tell that from the picture so you'll just have to trust me on that one) so obviously I was too scared to actually go up to him and talk. Or show him my little cut. Instead I sneakily took a picture of him...which was pretty easy considering how many people there were with cameras around me.

My other favorite part of the picture...the nice guy in the speedo that also happened to be in my picture.

By the way, does anyone else hope that someday they make a new friend and are looking through their photo albums and all of the sudden see themselves in one of the pictures? I know it's bound to happen to me someday so I try to jump into as many pictures as possible when I see people snapping away.

So what I'm trying to say is, looking at this picture makes me nostalgic for Hawaii, reminds me of the little scar that I now have on my knee from snorkeling, makes me think how silly speedos are and reminds me that I need to jump into more pictures. Good.

1 comment:

Rachel Wagner. said...

Ahh, Hanauma Bay. I love it so much! I was just thinking of Hawaii today. It is rainy and cold here. Wish I was there instead.