
Lately I've been in a funk.

Could be that I just got back from a wonderful 9 day vacation.

Or that the end of school is so near I can smell it and yet I'm still cramped up in my little tiny office for 5 more weeks.

All I know is that this week was blah.

You know the feeling? Nothing is really wrong but nothing is right either.

My pre-funk probably started when I had to go back to work last week. It was a long week. I was bored. I couldn't quite get everything done that I was supposed to. I kept forgetting things.

But you want to know when my official funk started???

That would be Friday morning. When I woke up late for work. And rushed down the stairs wearing slippery sandals. And fell down the stairs. Hard.

I ended up with sore muscles and a bruised back. I yelled at myself for being almost 28 and still not able to descend a flight of stairs gracefully.

Then my funk really started. Because I realized that I was almost 28.

And not only can I not descend a flight of stairs gracefully but I'm also still single and still overweight and still unsure about what I want to do with my life.

It was a downward spiral from there. The stupid falling down the stairs made my mind go into overdrive telling me all the things that I was doing wrong. I spent the weekend continually going over all that I was doing wrong. Not good. Every little thing suddenly seemed to be proof that I couldn't get it just right.

Does anyone else have days like these? Is it just me???

Then I woke up this morning and thought-this funk ends today. Period. No more moping and feeling sorry for myself. So on my hour drive to work, I spent the first half hour praying and asking for help and the last half hour telling myself the things that I have done right in the last 28 years.

Because while there may be things that I have to work on (okay, there may be a huge list of things that I have to work on), there are lots of things that I have achieved.

By the time I got to work, the funk was gone.


Cody and Nicole said...

I'm sorry that you had such a horrible weekend. I wish I could be there for you, I miss you terribly. But know this, you are awesome. There are so many things that you do right. You are the best friend. You are great with the children you work with. You have a strong work ethic, I know from experience. You are the only assistant that I ever really got a long with. I could go on and on. Know that I love you and I miss you.

Rachel Wagner. said...

We all have those days, even weeks. I'm glad we can both support each other as we change our already awesome lives. Don't forget to celebrate small victories.

Bekah: said...

Come stay with me for a while this summer! Please oh please!