
Remember how I mentioned a few posts back about how I went on a date? And remember how I promised to fill you all in on the details? Now is the time (finally).

Many of you may remember a few months back when I confessed to having a crush on a boy. We'll call him CM.

Well things haven't been progressing very quickly with old CM. In fact, they are pretty much at a stand still. I have no idea what he is thinking, I'm sure he has no idea what I'm thinking. And to be honest, just thinking about all this makes my head hurt a little!

Basically what you need to know is that CM is shy and kinda does his own thing. So if I want to talk to him, I have to initiate it. Every time. What you also need to know is that I am usually not an initiator. I do my best to always be the one that is pursued so that I can get by with little effort. Not because I don't want to put in effort. More just because I worry that if I put myself out there, I'll end up hurt.

So as you can imagine, things are tricky. I hate pursuing but I like a boy where I have to. Tricky.

Anyway, enough of my rambling and onto the actual story.

I'm on the phone with my mom, ironically filling her in on all of this information that i just shared and telling her that I was giving up on the whole situation. When suddenly my phone beeps.

And guess who is calling right at that very moment? Yep, you guessed it. Except that when it comes to dating, I think I move back into the junior high realm. So when I say hello, I realized immediately that it isn't CM on the other side even though my caller id is telling me that the call is coming from his cell.

It's his friend JT. And JT is pretending to be CM. Because like I said, 28 year olds dating isn't much different than 14 year olds dating.

Eventually CM gets on the phone and proceeds to stumble over some words which I interpreted to be him asking me on a date (it didn't' hurt that JT was in the background saying..."No, actually say the word date. Ask her if she wants to go on a date with you." So I got the picture.

I agreed (obviously) and I understood that CM and I would be doubling with JT and one of my roommates and we were going to have a fire/dinner.

I had fun. A lot of fun. We told silly stories (and I tried to tell my dad's famous scary story about the girl with the green ribbon around her neck), we talked and we laughed. I felt good about the whole situation.

And now it's been like a month and things are back where they were pre-date. In other words, who the heck knows what is going on? I'm pretty sure I hate dating.


Bekah: said...


Rachel Wagner. said...

It really isn't that different from 14 to 28! I'd say since he kind of asked you out on one date it would be ok for you to ask him for the next. He might be waiting to see if you have fun on the date. It's worth a shot.

Morgan said...

I can't believe I forgot to ask about your date when we talked on Sunday! :-( I'm sorry! I've been all over the place lately!

I have to agree with the other smart ladies who've commented...I think "CM" needs to know that you had a good time- some type of validation that things went well. So, the ball is in your court now! Ask him out and you'll find out very quickly what he's thinking! Take a risk my dear...if this boy doesn't realize how amazing you are he's not worth worrying about anyway! I hope it turns out how you want it to! Love ya!

Camille said...

Morgan..I realized after we got off the phone that we didn't talk about it! I'll fill you in on more details later. And thanks for the advice Bek-I can't wait to come visit you this summer!