
Always learning

So here I am, on my very last day in Hawaii, writing on my blog. Why, you ask? Because it decided to rain...and when I mean rain, I don't mean that kind of rain that Hawaii is used to. Every other day when it has rained, it has been a nice drizzle but today it actually decided to pour. And so here I am, waiting for the shower, writing!

Hawaii has made me realize a few things and since I love lists...here are the things I've realized this week:

1. What I want most out of life is not only to be happy myself, but for my family and close friends to be happy (and the best way to be happy is for all of us to move back to Hawaii!)
2. I love my mom
3. Sea turtles can bring a smile to my face like nothing else can
4. I love to spend money (okay...so I knew this before I came but nonetheless...)
5. True friends are those that see you at your best and your worst and still want to stand by your side...and Hawaii has helped me realize who my true friends are
6. There are things that I love about myself and there are things that I hate about myself but overall, I know that I deserve to be loved, unconditionally
7. While I will love living near my family again (which I realized after spending a week and a half with my mom), I will miss everyone in UT more than words can describe
8. I can spend hours doing nothing except thinking and still enjoy myself
9. I'm braver than I think and I need to trust myself more
10. I deserve to be happy and I shouldn't let other people dictate the way that I feel

Thanks to those of you who spend the week/2 weeks with me-I had a blast! And for those of you who didn't come, you can come visit me in Hawaii when a marry a rich and gorgeous man and we have our summer house here!

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