
Happy Birthday

Remember sleepovers in the purple room? And sleeping bag fights? And all those years of early morning seminary? And Brookview? Remember how you have been there, by my side, through everything?

Yeah...you deserve the best birthday ever because you are seriously the best!

Happy birthday Morgan.


Bekah: said...

All these many years later I always think of Morgan today, for some reason I remember her birthday as the day after tax day. Which is weird because I am horrible at remembering birthdays!

Happy Birthday Morgan!

Morgan said...

Thank you Camille! That was very sweet of you! Reading through those memories took me back in time...sometimes I wish I could go back and do it again. And appreciate it more the second time!! I miss those times together- I miss you!!

If I knew we were staying in AL I'd tell you to move here! We're in the same boat though, I have no idea where we're going to be next year!

Congrats on the adoption too! That's so exciting for your family and for the kids!

Eric said...

That is such a cute picture of the both of you.

Bekah: said...

day after? i meant day of...

chalk it up to two busy girls and not enough sleep!