
The Ultimate April Fools Joke

Working in an elementary school, I had about a thousand pranks played on me yesterday.

"Look, there's a spider above your head"
"Mr. Brewer (the principal) wants to talk to you"
"Quick, you have to go outside and talk to my teacher".

It was basically just a never ending day of craziness. Even Joe (my very soon to be adopted brother/nephew) got in on the fun by calling me and saying "You have a hole in your shirt. April's Fool". (So the joke didn't work quite as well over the phone but it was still pretty cute!)

But the ultimate April Fools joke...it snowed a little bit yesterday. In April. In the desert. Are you kidding me? I knew there was a reason I hated April Fools day.


Eric said...

That's funny! Lauren was the only one who played a joke on me. She told me I had a spider on my head. I really don't like this little Fool's day. I wonder how it came about anyway. Maybe I'll have to google it.

Megan said...

We had snow too. I think that it is ridiculous. I actually avoided the jokes this year because I have been out of the classroom for two days. So, no jokes. I did however work on family history and there were a gazillion McNamara's with the names james, mary, elizabeth, and thomas. Does that count as a joke?

Camille said...

Whenever I think of McNamara I think of the Skulls..which makes me want to watch it right now. And now I'm wondering where April fools day came from...I personally think we should do away with it.

Megan said...

I totally forgot that was a name from Skulls. It's just one of my family names. Weird. Remember how I have a student teacher right now? Also weird.

Rachel Wagner. said...

The snow really was a cruel joke. When will it stop! I think that is why I was in a grumpy mood today. I hate the cold.