
When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.-Francois de la Rochefoucauld
Love must be in the air. At least for everyone else, that is. Have you ever been enjoying your life, moseying right along, and suddenly you realize that you missed the memo to find a significant other?

All I'm saying is that I'm sitting at church on Sunday and I look around...and everyone has suddenly paired off! No kidding-I have one friend left in the Blanding/Monticello/Mexican Hat/Montezuma Creek radius that is still with me enjoying the single life.

Except that when there are only 2 of you that are single and you are always hanging out with couples, it isn't so enjoyable anymore. Unless my fairy godmother suddenly appears and provides me with my prince charming...I'm not looking forward to the next couple months of love-fest.

1 comment:

Rachel Wagner. said...

I feel your pain. I am going through the same thing up here in Draper. It seems like all my friends are either engaged, dating or moving. I'm happy for them but kind of sad for me. I still hang out with my married friends but it is harder. It kind of means I have to make new friends.