
"I always pass on good advice. It's the only thing to do with it. It is never any use to oneself." -Oscar Wilde, An Ideal Husband

When I'm trying to get advice on a matter, I always try to find an expert in the field. Except that I don't know very many experts. And I rarely try to get advice anyway because once I have it, I rarely act on it. But last week I decided to seek some advice. Advice on how to deal with the opposite sex. Because as it turns out, I'm kinda retarded when it comes to dating.

For example, when I like a boy, I find it incredibly difficult to carry on any kind of conversation. But those boys that are completely unavailable somehow turn out to be my best friends. Like I said-I'm no good at the whole dating thing.

I decided who better to ask about boys, then a boy? So I turned to my bff of the male gender and asked what, exactly, guys are looking for. And he informed me that boys have no idea what they want. (Which explains about a million things). The trick is not to be/look/act a certain way. The trick is to convince a boy that you are, in fact, what they want. Good advice. But my question now is-how do you go about convincing a guy of that?


Rachel Wagner. said...

Good advice but kind of frustrating too!

Bekah: said...

Here are my two cents. Be you. Radiate inner happiness. Live an authenic life. Someday when the right guy comes around he will be attracted to that. When you like a guy do not put him on a pedestal. Instead get to know him as a friend. Make him prove himself too, not just you to him. I think guys are attracted to girls who do not try to hard, girls who are fun, and girls who challenge them a bit.

take that with a grain of salt...