
Yesterday may have felt a little bit like high school.  And not the good parts of high school either (wait, it's been too long, were there good parts in high school?).  Remember when you would find out that people were talking about you behind your back or that people were saying things just so that other people wouldn't like you?  I totally thought that was something that stopped when you left high school.  Bad news-it doesn't.  And that is lame.

But as I laid in bed last night thinking about how silly the whole situation was and yet how hurt I still felt, an 
old episode of HIMYM came to mind.  Honestly, it probably came to mind because of Rachel's awesome post which you can read about here.  Basically, a list is developed called the Murtaugh list which spells out all the things that Ted is too old to do. So, in honor of HIMYM and Rachel's own list and my lame situation, I laid in bed and came up with my own list.  

I'm too old to pretend to do something that I don't like to do just so I can "fit in".
I'm too old to try to compete for someone's attention.
I'm too old to wear clothes that make me feel uncomfortable.
I'm too old to let other people's opinions about me dictate how I feel about myself.
I'm too old to have acne (oh wait...that's just wishful thinking...and that is totally something I wish would have ended in high school as well!)
I'm way too old to stay up all night and still go to work/school the next day.

I'm old enough to realize that my family and my very best friends are the only people who are truly going to be there for me in the long run.  
I'm old enough to realize that the words we use can have a damaging effect on people and we need to be careful about what we say at all times.
I'm old enough to realize that forgiveness is incredibly important.  Forgiveness of other people and forgiveness of myself.
I'm old enough to realize that I will never be perfect and that is okay.
I'm old enough to play bingo on Saturday nights because, dang it, it's fun.
I'm old enough to realize that life is short and that sometimes you lose the people that you love way too earlier. So holding on to grudges or being angry just isn't worth it.

And I'm definitely old enough to realize and way too old to care about what other people say about me.  I may not be perfect but hey, neither is anyone else.  So boo to high school and boo to drama that makes me feel like I'm back in high school. 


Eric said...

I love your lists of too old and old enough. So true, loved this post! Hope everything works out with the drama, I'm tired of all the drama in life. Can't it all just go away! On the upside your Holiday break is here, what are you doing for Thanksgiving?

Rachel Wagner. said...

Thanks for the compliments on my post and your awesome list. Sorry for the drama. I don't know why you seem to attract such situations. I think you are a great friend and person.
(Are we truly old enough for bingo?). Remember the reverse Murtaugh list. Hilarious!
I love you! Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

Jennifer said...


I so sorry about people talking about you behind your back. It's happened to me a few times and been really bad in some cases. Why can't people just learn to talk to the person they are mad at instead of everyone else? I'm glad we are family and that you are my cousin, you are awesome and
I love you!


Camille said...

Jen...I'm sad I missed you at the Thanksgiving festivities but I hope you had fun with Eric's family. And Rachel...of course we are old enough for Bingo. Because Bingo is amazing.