
"In that one slight motion, I see the end of hope, beginning of destruction of everything I hold dear in the world. I cant guess what form my punishment will take, how wide the net will be cast, but when it is finished there most likely be nothing left.So you would think that at this moment, I would be in utter despair." — Suzanne Collins (Catching Fire)

I finally acquired a copy of Catching Fire and I finished it in a day flat (it helped that I was sick so I was laying in bed with nothing else to do!). I l.o.v.e. this book. Maybe not as much as Hunger Games but more than most books I waste my time reading. And I am officially in love with Peeta. I would marry him. If he was real and not in love with Katniss I mean.

The bad news is now I am lost without a book to immerse myself in. Any suggestions?


Bekah: said...

me too. I finished the series and so wanted another book to become enchanted with!

Rachel Wagner. said...

Have you read My Life in France by Julia Child? I liked it a lot. It will make you hungry and want to go to Paris!