
Yesterday I left my house/trailer at 6:10 am and I got home at 5:00 pm. That's usual for me. And it sucks. So I decided that instead of doing anything, I would sit around and lounge the whole evening. I caught up on the Amazing Race from Sunday. Speaking of which-anyone interested in going on that show with me? I know I hate flying and I get really ornery when I don't have a regular sleep/eating schedule. Still, I think it would be fabulous.

Then I caught up on the HIMYM from last week. Favorite show. Ever. Then I watched half of Biggest Loser but stopped to watch Vampire Diaries with Ang. I'd never seen it before but had been told repeatedly that I needed to watch it, like, now. After I heard that a couple times, I decided to start recording it. Yesterday I watched 4 episodes in a row. That would be all the episodes that had been recorded thus far. I missed all the beginning ones but luckily with CW shows it's pretty easy to catch on to plot lines. I love Stefan. And Boone...oh wait, I mean Damon. And remember how that witch girl's grandma is that girl that used to be on A Different World. It makes me feel really old that she looks so much older. Aging is depressing.

I ended my big night of TV watching by catching the latest episode of Big Bang Theory. That show is my newest favorite. It is hilarious. I even snorted last night while watching it. But don't tell anyone.

I seriously didn't even take a break to make my own dinner, Angie made me mac and cheese which we ate while still watching our show. Then Angie's mom cut us some apples with some butterscotch dip. I think I might have paused the show while her mom came in to give us the apples. It might look like a live a sad and boring life but it was a good night...a night I desperately needed. Now I can get back to reality and my busy non-tv watching schedule.


Jennifer said...

I'll go on that show with you, it could be a cousin thing. I get ornery and such too, so it would make for interesting tv.

Morgan said...

That was me this weekend Camille...except I didn't watch TV, I slept the whole weekend! I was just so worn out. I think my body just kind of shut down! Thankfully Perry took Dallin to the park on Saturday and to church on Sunday and I just slept!

I'm sure you needed to just relax and regroup from your long hours. Sorry you've had to work so much lately- hope you've had some play time too! :) Love ya!

Bekah: said...

amen sister! We all need days like this. I think of it as filling our veg tank.