
A Break, A Package, A Move

I'm taking a break from my top five favorite things about Christmas break mostly just because I don't feel like writing about it today. Because I have other things to say.

Like...I got a package yesterday! Proof that someone loves me.

Oh wait, except that it was from Shade. And that I had bought all of it with my own money. Maybe it's just proof that I love myself? Of course, who better to love me?

I got home from work yesterday to a lovely little bag with my name written on the label. And inside were three beautiful new shirts and one amazing cardigan (because although even the Kindergarteners have started to recognize that I always wear cardigans, I still can't stop myself).

For me, shopping is an addiction, and like any addiction, I felt a wonderful surge of energy and happiness upon opening my little package and seeing my new things. The joy even lasted until this morning when I got to wake up and put together a new outfit.

The good news now is that I pretty much own the entire Shade line so my bank account can have a little break until they come out with something new. I should seriously be a model for them. I need the extra cash. They might need someone to model the clothes that aren't an XS. I'm just saying.

Speaking of extra cash, I don't have any. Because as I mentioned before, looks like I'll be moving to a new place this weekend. And apparently I didn't prep anyone for that news so now everyone is all confused. So here's the story in a nutshell...

Last year I decided that I would move to Blanding for this school year and be roomies with my friend Angie. Because living in Halchita kinda sucked. So we made all these plans and her parents decided they would finish the basement for us to move into. Except when I came back to Blanding in August, nothing was finished. Literally, nothing. So Angie and I moved into the camping trailer in the backyard. Both of us, in one trailer. With all my shoes and clothes. It wasn't pretty.

Last month, my room in the basement was finally finished, so I moved in. Then Angie's brother came home from his mission and suddenly there were 7 of us living between 3 bedrooms with only 2 bathrooms. This also hasn't been pretty. Still no bathroom, no kitchen, no living room and no foreseeable end date. So Angie and I started talking about moving somewhere new.

The new place is old and kinda run down and I totally love it. There are a few girls already living there but we each have our own bedroom with a bathroom attached. I can live with that. So the weekend will be devoted to settling in, once again, to a new place. And charging camera batteries and taking pictures, cause I'll need pictures of this one!

I might need some retail therapy on Monday to recover.


Bekah: said...

You NEVER told me about your crappy living conditions. Crazy! You deserve an award for dealing with that for as long as you have. No, not a reward... a new Shade item. Did you get the striped cardigan that I have? I love, love, love it. And maybe we can both be models because I agree about the XS.

Cannot wait to see you in a few weekends.

Rachel Wagner. said...

Congrats on finding a new place. I can't believe you lasted as long as you did in that trailer. I was shocked to hear of it.
How long is your lease? Those Blanding folks haven't roped you into another year have they!
I look forward to seeing you!

Camille said...

Bekah-I totally bought the striped cardigan. I'd already been debating and then I saw it on you and couldn't help myself! And I have no idea how long my lease will be...things in my life are always up in the air!

aly said...

um...shade will have some new items january 28th and then if you wanted to buy a new swimsuit for our cruise...march!

Summer said...

I totally get that shoppers high too....ahhhh, isn't is wonderful?