
I still don't have any pictures, my camera battery is dead. I am sometimes lame like that. Especially since I would have loved to have pictures from this weekend when the majority of my loved ones were with me for the day.

So my weekend started out on quite the wrong note. I woke up Friday to school being cancelled and a huge blizzard...the biggest one in a decade. There was snow everywhere, ice underneath, and my car was stuck in the driveway. Friday consisted of shoveling and digging out. And crying. Because I suddenly doubted whether my family and friends could make it in that kind of weather. And as much as I wanted them to come, I also wanted them to be safe. I spent the majority of the day talking on the phone, crying, crying while talking on the phone. It wasn't pretty.

And then I got the overwhelming feeling that I just needed to have faith. It was like a voice spoke to my mind and told me to just have a little faith and everything would turn out. And of course, the quiet voice that whispered to my soul was completely right. My mom, grandpa, aunt and cousin made it in safely Friday afternoon. I got the call from the temple saying they would be open Saturday. My friends arrived later Friday night.

I woke up Saturday to blue skies and sunshine. And calls from more relatives saying they were on their way to Monticello. It was a beautiful morning and it prepared me for the beauty that I would soon be able to partake in. Saturday reminded me of who I truly am, a daughter of God. Of how much He loves each of us. Of how mindful He is of every once of us. And of the power of faith.

Image from here


Anonymous said...

I guess I am out of the loop. Did you go through the temple for the first time? Hope to hear from you soon!

Eliza said...

Same, I finally figured out from this post what your special day was. I am SO HAPPY that it was able to be as special as possible and that you had friends and family there with you!

Hugs from DC!!

Rachel Wagner. said...

I am so glad it was a great experience and am deeply disapointed I missed it. Thanks for being understanding. I am glad you had loved ones there to support you on such a special day!

Eric said...

It was such a great day! I'm so glad I was able to come!

Camille said...

Sorry guys...I guess I should have been clearer! I did go through the temple on Saturday...the Monticello temple. It was an amazing experience and I loved having my friends and family there (thanks again Jen for coming..I was glad you were there as well!). And thanks for the hugs Eliza...I send hugs back to DC for you!

Ellie said...

Yeah..'my special day' could mean many things to this demented mind of mine. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Hugs from Orem (I always copy Eliza).