
I'm not a huge fan of change. I like things to stay exactly the same until I'm ready for them to change. I especially hate when things change at the very last minute and I have no time to prepare for it. When this happens, I fall apart. I may cry, I make lock myself into my room and sulk for awhile, I may just leave and give myself some time to be by myself. It's not something that I will apologize for, it's just who I am.

I hate change...except when it comes to my own personal style. And in that area, I love change. On a whim, I may go to the salon and come home with a different color hair, or a completely different hairstyle. I'm open to change when it comes to my hair.

So it shouldn't come as a surprise to you that while I was up in Salt Lake last weekend, I gave my favorite baby sister a call and asked her to change things up for me. I got there and said...make me blonde. Put highlights in. Make me feel like someone new.

She did and I do. I feel refreshed and ready to take on the world. I feel like a new woman.

Too bad the kids at school informed me that dying my hair is going to give me split ends and that the blonde makes me look like a college student rather than a teacher! Oh well, you can't please everyone!

And stay tuned for pictures...I swear to you that I will be taking some this weekend and will be posting them just for you.


Morgan said...

YAY for new hairstyles & color! :-) I'm at the point where I need to make an appt. really soon to get my hair chopped!!! Can't wait to see pics. of your new do'!

And I'm really not so happy about that pic. you posted yesterday....I had a weird sense of deja vu' when I saw it. I think you posted it last year, and I think I got mad then too! :-) And even though I'm making such a weird face, when I look at that pic. I see happiness too! Because I was with my favorite girls!! I need a reunion!!

Eric said...

Can't wait to see pics. I bet you look gorgeous!!!

Rachel Wagner. said...

wow! Good for you for being bold with your hair.
I agree about change. Usually it sucks!

Bekah: said...

Blonde is cute on you! Post a picture hotstuff!