
Don't worry, I'm sick again. This time with a completely unwelcome cold that primarily involves congestion and runny noses and sneezing fits. Plus some over active tear ducts thrown in.

But I'll take a cold any day of the week over a nasty stomach flu so I'm surviving. Plus I have to be at work this week anyway since I took all of last week off so I have no choice to survive.

And speaking of surviving-I've been taking many trips to the doctor lately to see if they can figure out what is wrong with me (even though maybe it would actually take a trip to a psychiatrist to truly figure out what is wrong with me!). To make a long story short-I have stomach problems that have been plaguing me for years and on top of that I have some beautiful pitting edema (swelling that leaves imprints when pressed in) on my legs. Which apparently is not a good thing. Who knew?

The truth is that they have no idea what is wrong and I just keep getting more blood work to find out a whole lot of nothing. Except that my doctor did just inform me that my stress hormone is really high.

Could it be from working too much? Commuting long hours to work? Not knowing what is going on with my body? Drama with friends? The uncertainty of the future?

Probably all of those. But in an effort to have a better year this year than last year, I decided that I need to figure out a way to de-stress.

So I turned to one of my very favorite blogs found here.

Bekah has been my friends for years and years. Definitely my friend who I have kept contact with the longest. She is strong and smart and kind and creative and loving. Basically an example of the kind of person I want to "grow up" to be!

And I noticed whilst reading her blog that she picked out a word for the year. A word to focus on and work on. A word that means something to her.

Since making new year's resolutions always stress me out a little (or realizing that I failed to complete them yet again stresses me out a lot) and I am on strict doctor's orders not to stress, I decided that this year I would also pick a word. Just one word that I can work on.

And my word is:

And don't worry, right after I chose the word, I walked into a store and it was the first word that I saw. How is that for reinforcement/divine intervention?

This year I'm working on simplifying my life-my relationships, my thoughts, my goals, my house. Everything.

I think it's finally a resolution I can stick with.


Bekah: said...

Good for you. What a great word. Stick to it. You've got to take care of yourself and de-stress.

Reason #451 I wished you lived closer. I'd have to over once a week, cook you a healthy meal and we could go on a walk and have a "therapy" session together. For both of us.

And, how sweet of you to give me a little shout out {blush} you know how I feel about you. At least you better!

But seriously, take care of yourself and your health. You are in my prayers. Hope you feel better soon. Love you!

Rachel Wagner. said...

My mother went through a similar struggle trying to diagnose her irritable bowel syndrome. Just be firm with those doctor's and make sure they are giving you the straight answers. Too often right real symptoms off as nothing and it is up to the patients to force further investigation.
Good luck in your quest to simplify. As someone who is a confirmed work-a-holic even a little bit of simplifying is a good idea. Take care. Love and miss you. Rachel

Rachel Wagner. said...

I meant to say too often doctors write off real symptoms off as nothing..

Rachel Wagner. said...

wow messed up again. You get the idea!

Camille said...

Thanks guys! And Bekah-I loved your reason #451 because it sounds just perfect. One day, one day we will live closer to each other!

Bekah: said...

It better happen. Brunswick to Middletown better not be the closest we get.

Just think of all the things we could set on fire...

Camille said...

Ha...that is still one of my favorite memories :) What were we thinking! From reading your blog I can imagine that Bryn will be setting things on fire any day now!