
Monday morning thoughts...

1. This summer I'm totally going to NYC and then making a stop at Carlos' Bakery. Because I love Cake Boss and his totally awesome skills at making huge and extravegant cakes.

2. Speaking of this summer, have I mentioned that I'm taking a super long road trip with my roomie? Because I am. And if you live anywhere outside of Utah and in the northern half of the United States, don't be surprised if I call asking if you'd like some couch surfers for a night :)

3. I thought I would like contacts a whole lot more than I actually do. I love not having to actually wear glasses and I love being able to wear sunglasses and headbands again. And I love that it is mostly just like having good eyes again. But I so don't love that my eyes are really dry and sometimes my vision is cloudy. Is that normal?

4. I just got back from a wedding and I thought-I need to write down all the people whose wedding's I have attended so that when **positive thoughts to the universe** I get married, I can send all of them announcements to my wedding and get some nice presents back in return.

5. Does that make me selfish that I want to get presents in return for all of the presents that I have gifted?

6. I didn't wash my hair this morning and it saved me a good 25 minutes and miracle of miracles, it doesn't look horrible.

7. I don't like Monday's. I'm ready for Tuesday.

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