
Capeside's Finest

You may be wondering what I am spending all of my time doing while I sit at home by myself every afternoon.

The truth is that I watch a lot of Dawson's Creek...I have a secret obsession. I am now at the end of season 4...which means that in the past like 2 weeks I have watched the first three seasons. I know it is sad but it makes me feel like I have friends. Okay, that is even sadder.

I have also taken up cross stitching...I haven't quite finished my first one so pictures will be forthcoming. It is a cute one for baby Lola.

I also talk to my mom pretty much every single day. She helps keep me grounded and reminds me to get out of the house every once in awhile and actually go do something!

In case you wonder, I really do plan on posting pictures of myself (and not just the DC bunch) soon...my computer has been broken and thus, no downloading pics from my camera. But I promise, it will be soon.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I hope you don't mind that I seem to comment on every blog post you write :) I love that you've taken up cross-stiching- I was thinking that with all of the extra time on your hands that it would be perfect to take up a new hobby! I can't wait to see the one you made for baby Lola. I wish you were close to me so you could teach me how.
P.S. I loved Dawson's Creek in high school. Watching it now would probably bring back lots of memories.