
The Goosenecks Analogy

Since moving to Halchita, I have had the privlege of spending some time at this beautiful place, known as Goosenecks. It is where the San Juan River has run its course for thousands of years and slowly formed what you see above. As I sat at the top (which is now 1,000 feet above the river), I couldn't help but relate what happened here to my own life. I think about the choices that I have made-to go a certain way or to be a certain type of person-and at first the decision didn't seem like it would affect my life in any significant way. And yet, as I look back I realize that just like the river that continued on its path for so long that it is now set; the choices that I made in my life early on helped determine my course. Of course, I still believe that we can change-that I can change-but the things that really matter will remain the same. Like my faith in a Heavenly Father who loves me or my belief that families are forever or my commitment to education or my knowledge that there is a plan out there for me.

I like to think that I change daily in little ways but in the ways that matter, my course is set.


Bekah: said...

You are incredible. What a great analogy! I loved it. I am so glad you're course is set Camille! I got your email and I plan on giving you a call sometime!

Morgan said...

Your goosenecks analogy gave me goosebumps :) It sounded like something right out of a book! Thank you for that much needed perspective today! Are you sure you don't want to move to TN?? :)