
16 Things About Me

1. I was once attacked by incredibly scary magpies who chased me out into a busy street...it's a long story but a pretty good one which I may retell at some point!
2. I have visited 46 of the 50 states-I'm still missing Alaska, Vermont, North Dakota, and Florida.
3. I'm never truly happy unless things in my life are organized. There can be no "junk drawer" for me if I want to be completely happy. I have been known to organize and reorganize things relentlessly.
4. I love Nancy Drew books...love them. And I not so secretly wish that I could be Nancy Drew.
5. I am incredibly scared of spiders. I see one and I freeze in place-luckily I have yet to see one in my new house. Even though I have been "blessed" to see two tarantulas outside my house since moving to the desert.
6. I can spend all of my paycheck at Target but when it comes to heating my house, I am super cheap.
7. I like to create new words/say words differently than most. And people always think I'm weird. Example: cupcake holders are known to me as cuckles...it just sounds cuter.
8. The only colors of fingernail polish that I currently own are black, red, silver and white. Weird,yes?
9. I hate not knowing what time it is but I rarely actually wear a watch. Mostly because I never replace watch batteries. Ever.
10. In the 8 and a half years since I left home, I have moved every single year except one (I spent two years in American Fork).
11. The only umbrella that I own is a blue one covered in cute little Eeyore's...and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
12. I was on the golf team in high school for two years and yet I can still barely swing a club. But I'm pretty sure it was good exercise.
13. I'm fairly certain that I am allergic to bee stings. I've only been stung once and it was in high school, but my arm swelled up to like twice its normal size.
14. When I'm really tired, I pull my eyelids away from my eyes and push them back down to make a popping noise...in a weird way it comforts me.
15. I have very vivid dreams but I'm also able to wake myself out of them. I usually remember my dreams and even remember the little details in them.
16. I am an HGTV junkie. Whenever I'm bored, on comes House Hunters or Design on a Dime or....I love them.


Rachel Wagner. said...

Great post. Who could forget the psycho magpies. At least we learned that the animal control in AF acts very rapidly to calls!
I don't know you survive without me there to stomp spiders for you- especially with the big ones you get down there. I will never forget when you came out of the shower in your wet robe suds in your hair, so I could kill a spider. Good times!

Rachel Wagner. said...

Also, I like HGTV also. My favorites are My House is Worth What? and Property Virgins. I watch those and think- I am so glad I am renting and don't have to worry about all of that stuff!

Eliza said...

I really want to visit all 50 states--sadly I have many more to cover than you, I think I've only been to about 20 or so.

I am laughing at cuckles...and I totally still pronounce "gazebo" "gazebbo" because I remember you saying once, "I prefer to say gazebbo" and I loved it!

Do you wear contacts? I do and I definitely do the eyelid-popping thing late at night when my eyes get dry. Matt can't stand it.

Megan said...

Ah magpies, cuckles, and the annoying eye pop that makes me cringe....good times!

Tex said...

Camille!!! I am still alive...I just have lost the motivation and the time to blog! I am so far behind I almost don't know where to start! Anyways, I will get to writing some time soon...how soon, I can't say. Love ya!