
Simply Simple

Joe informed me yesterday that I should just get a job at his school as a counselor so that I could move back home. If only life were that simple...

Meet Joe, my foster brother/nephew soon to be my actual brother/nephew. He loves pre-K, his soccer team, any other sports, Scooby-Doo, seafood, and cars. He thinks he is way more grown up then he actually is and is always offering to work on cars or mow the lawn or whatever else he sees the "grown-up" boys doing.

Good news on the homefront...my mom is signing papers to officially adopt the kids. What would I do without these 2 being a permanent part of my life!

And good news from southern Utah...I actually did my make-up today and I honestly don't recognize myself when I look in the mirror. I guess all those make-up tutorials from you-tube really are helpful!


Rachel Wagner. said...

I am so happy for your family! It has been such a long road for those kids. I am glad that they found someone to love and take care of them. It's amazing.

Jackie said...

How tender is that? aw, he woves you. Yes, woves :)