
I watched Pride and Prejudice the other night. The only version that is worth watching. The long BBC version. The one where Colin Firth plays Mr. Darcy. Because unless Colin Firth is Mr. Darcy, then I'm not sure that I want to watch it. He seriously has the best stares ever. If you haven't seen this version, you are missing out. Watch it immediately.

Anyway, the amazingness of Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy and the need for everyone to watch the movie are two very good points but not the point I want to make in this post. So I will move on and pretend that everyone has just promised me that they will watch it immediately and now I have peace of mind.

So I'm watching the movie and it gets to the part where Charlotte Lucas accepts Mr. Collins' offer of marriage. In the past I have always despised this part. How could Charlotte marry someone as horrible as Mr. Collins? Why did she give up on finding love? It drove me crazy.

This time I found myself thinking...maybe Charlotte didn't get such a bad deal. She is married and has enough money to live well on. She has a house. She knows that she will be taken care of. And I seriously thought to myself...that doesn't seem so bad. It wasn't until after the movie that I stopped and really thought about this.

Have I reached the point in my life where I would do what Charlotte Lucas did???? As I've gotten older, I've certainly changed some of my marriage criteria and realized that some things are certainly more important than other things in the long run. I've realized that maybe you really do have to settle just a little bit (80% anyone?!?!) But would I settle for someone that I didn't even love just for the peace of mind of not being single anymore? Would I give up on the chance of finding a good relationship built on love just because I couldn't find it in my first 27 years of life? I certainly hope that I haven't reached that point yet. But it's scary that I suddenly think Charlotte's plot in life doesn't seem so bad.

**Footnote: I am not saying, in any stretch of the imagination, that I would settle for Mr. Collins. Because he is creepy. And gross.**

1 comment:

Eric said...

I do love that version and it is the best but I also really enjoyed the new one and if I'm in a Pride and Prejudice mood, which is a lot, and don't have 6 hours then I'll watch the new film.

At Emilie's wedding Saturday the Sealer told a story about a woman about to be married and at the last moment wasn't sure if he was the right guy and wasn't sure if she should go through with the wedding. Her mother went out in the hall with her and told her, well no one else has ever asked you.

I think sometimes we get this image of the perfect person and have a list of all the attributes they should hold. Even when you marry someone with all of the attributes you want, it's still not a perfect marriage.

Don't settle but don't have a list of what you want either. I think if you can find someone who makes you happy then that's perfect!

Never settle for a Mr. Collins. He is super creepy and super gross!

It was so good seeing you the other day. Hope you have a wonderful time in Maryland. Say hi to your family for me.