
I woke up before my alarm this morning. And for about five seconds I was super proud of myself. Until I realized that I woke up before my alarm because my stomach wasn't feeling so hot. And then I ran to the bathroom and dry heaved for like 5 minutes. If I thought there was a chance I was pregnant, I would totally think I was. Except that there is not a chance. So no explanation for the morning sickness.

But I was very proud of myself because despite my morning wake up call, I still came to work. And worked a full day (or at least in another 50 minutes it will be a full day). A day full of 6th grade drama and gossiping and name calling. And I survived.

So my reward for surviving? Day 17! I hear this song almost every day on the one radio station that I can get on my way to work. And ya know what? I like this song. And the video.

Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I haven't heard this song on the radio, I think it might end up being one of my new favorites! Thank you.