
The people you meet

The countdown to leaving Utah is now down to 2 weeks.  I seriously can't believe how fast the time has gone by since I made the decision to leave.  As with most big decisions I have made in my life, I have started to question whether I am making the right choice.  I will love living near my mom and sister again but it suddenly hit me that I have no friends back home.  Plus, there isn't a singles ward so I won't have that built in group of friends.  The thought of moving has just suddenly made me feel very lonely.

I like to be around other people, I like not having too much time to think about myself.  And while I'll be surrounded at home (with 5 people and a dog already living in the house), I know that at least for a few months I'll feel awfully lonely without all my great friends.

Here's a quick run down of the friends that I've made out here at the BYU and beyond:

Megan-My very best friend and quite possible the person who knows me best in the world.  We understand each other perfectly and she has helped me get through some of the most difficult times in my life.  And she has also helped me have some of the most fun times in my life!

Texann-Another one of my best friends from college as well as a roommate for all 4 years.  We have one of those friendships where we can not talk for months and yet when we get together, it's like no time has passed.  She's great at helping me keep things in perspective.

Eliza-Another friend that I met in the halls of Taylor...we always had fun together and I still do some things that remind me specifically of Eliza (jumping on the bed with my arms and legs flung out to the side).  She always makes me feel good about myself.

Ellie-Okay, so some of my best friends were from the dorms!  She always makes me laugh and I will never forget sitting in the dorms with our doors open and im'ing each other.  I'm still not sure why we didn't just talk.

Cyrus-He is probably the person that I spent the most New Year's Eve's with (besides Megan) and most of them involved doing absolutely nothing!  I will always think of him and the other boys from Brookview 6 with fond memories.

Heidi-My friend from this year who is one of the sweetest people I know.  She is great at always including people and making sure that they know that she cares.  She's also always happy and upbeat.  She keeps my moods in check!

Aly-Someone who has more in common with me than anyone else...I think we may secretly have the same mom.  Aly is always fun and super stylish.  I've learned a ton from her and we've had a lot of great times.

Nicole-We met because we worked together and because I knew her husband but we stayed friends because she is the one person that I feel like never, ever judges me.  I can tell her the worst thing that I have ever done and she'll still look at me and tell me that it isn't that bad.  I never run out of things to say to her and she has quickly become a life long friend.

Laura-My friend from grad school who helped me survive those 5 and a half hour classes that I would have never survived otherwise.  Remember how we totally got called out in front of everyone for talking?  Another person who let's me be me without judging.  I feel like I can always call her and tell her anything.

I am so grateful to the people that I have met while in Utah (as well as the people I met in other places...I'll give you a shout-out in another post!).  I love you guys.


Eliza said...

I met so many dear friends in Utah also. Loved it. It was such a fun time in my life and I still miss it. Loved the dorms; Taylor Hall was so great (our wing of course, nothing against the other wing...) I got a little nostalgic at the Brookview 6 memory, not that I spent that much time with them but I did spend some.

I am trying to remember what I called that special flop-on-the-bed move. It had a name. I will have to ask my sister, she might know. I haven't done it in forever--although you know what, it was one of the first things I did when I got home from the hospital after having Theo. It was irresistible. I kinda want to go do it right now.

Eliza said...

I think it was called the pounce.

I am sure you were on pins and needles.

Camille said...

I actually was waiting to hear back from you! When we first got a love sac in our apartment, Megan and I couldn't help but do the pounce on it. It was so much fun! I pretty much feel nostalgic about my whole BYU experience. There were some fun times.

Shelley Family said...

Thanks for mentioning me! I can't believe you are leaving so soon!!! Crazy!! You'll have to come by and visit again before you leave :)