
Smile at the rain

Today begins the week countdown until I move to Maryland,
All my clothes fit in one suitcase/one overnight bag,
I can go through my clothes one day and still have things to give to DI the next day,
I hate organizing things at work...I'd much rather actually be doing my job,
I hate saying goodbye,
Sometimes I wake up at night thinking I smell gas and roam the house sniffing it out,
I wish I could marry Graham from the Bachelorette,
I can find enjoyment from watching even the most predictable/unrealistic of movies,
I'm tired pretty much all the time (especially when I stay up much too late),
I can't wait for Mama Mia to come out,
I need to go to Target today but I don't know if I have the energy,
I love getting compliments on my shoes.

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