
A Friend Like This

Meet Morgan...who has been one of my best friends since December of 1992 (that's right people...16 years and counting). Her nicknames are Morgo and Mick, her favorite color is purple, she loves chick rock and Anne Geddes, and she never fails to make me laugh.

I can talk to Morgan for hours or sit with her not talking for hours and still leave feeling better than when I arrived. She has been my friend through the worst days of my life and experienced the best days with me. Morgan has an enormous heart and I am grateful to call her a friend. Here is to 16 years of friendship!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Dallin enjoys these pictures more than I do...I enlarged a few of them and he started laughing and pointing at the screen (he laughed the hardest at the last one). They're pretty bad, maybe worse than our senior week pics. :)

I think it's amazing we've stayed friends all of these years- 16 years is a long time. Time's gone by so fast though! Thank you for your sweet words...I don't know what I would have done without you for the past 16 years and it's comforting to know that I have you as my friend for the next 16 years and beyond that! Love you!