
Say Destiny, Now Spell It

I may have failed to mention thus far that I am in love with Josh Groban. We had a moment.

Last year I was lucky enough to be invited by Rachel to go to his concert. We were in the nose-bleed section (sitting up there literally made Rachel sick!) until a wonderful worker at the EnergySolutions arena invited us down to the lower bowl. I have never sat that close to an actual performer. Which leads me to the moment...Josh was singing on our side of the stage when he looked over and we made eye contact. I am not kidding you. I know that no one will ever believe me but I swear it actually happened. I'm still waiting around for him to come find me. After all, we had a moment.

1 comment:

Rachel Wagner. said...

That was one of the best moments of my life- at least as far as entertainment and fun go. It was amazing! Glad we could share it together. I touched his hand, you made eye contact- what a night!