

Christmas movies of all time:

1. Miracle on 34th Street...the old version even though I will agree that the remake was done reasonably well
2. Elf..."I like to whisper too"
3. A Charlie Brown Christmas
4. Home Alone 1 & 2...who doesn't love movies about kids who get to live on their own?!?
5. Muppets Christmas Carol...probably my favorite of all the Christmas Carol movies
6. How the Grinch Stole Christmas...the old animated one not the new one (this category could also include the old animated Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph)
7. It's a Wonderful Life

Plus I always love the lifetime and hallmark and ABC Family movies that come on all season long! I can't help but love good Christmas movies!


Megan said...

So, which of these have you already watched this season? Are you surviving the snow?

Camille said...

No I'm not surviving the snow...I officially hate snow! I actually haven't watched many Christmas movies yet...we tried home alone but it wouldn't work and I watched Elf and Miracle on 34th street..plus a few Lifetime ones!