
Snow Angels

Remember how I live in the desert and it isn't supposed to snow? Well this morning I woke up to a good 4 inches on the ground. The kids here are pumped because they never get snow but I feel like I just can't quite escape the bad winters!

At least in 8 days, I'll be on a plane to see some of my family. And I'll get to hold this sweet girl again!


Bekah: said...

She is so cute, is that Brandon's baby?

Morgan said...

As soon as I saw the picture I knew that must be Lola!! She looks just like Brandon! She's beautiful- I can't wait to be an aunt too! I'm so excited that you'll get to see some of your family soon!! We leave on Saturday for MD, so I know how you feel!

Jackie said...

Oh, she is beautiful. Who wouldn't love seeing that little face? Yeah for leaving UT!