
Thoughts for Today:

1. Not having hot water sucks-it makes it incredibly hard to both take a shower and do dishes which means that I am not a happy camper today
2. Those wooden mind-teaser puzzles also suck-if there are no directions, how will I ever know how to put them back together again?
3. Writing letters to the men and women serving are country definitely does not suck, in fact, it is pretty awesome-I just followed this link which made it incredibly easy to send something
4. I love pomegranate flavored things and pomegranate smelly things-I just started burning one and it is amazing
5. Since water is essential for life, why don't I like it more?
6. Seeing people who are happy to see me makes me happy-does that make me completely self-centered?
7. If you want a good laugh, read some deep thoughts by jack handey...I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my chair!


Bekah: said...

cute button picture.

no hot water? oh goodness. i would not be a happy camper either.

no you are not one bit self centered, we all feel that way.

what is your address? i want to send you a christmas card.

Morgan said...

Hope you have hot water today!! We take it for granted don't we?
Thanks for the link to send a postcard to the troops! I just sent one! Hope you and your Grandpa had a nice Thanksgiving together!
I read that you were going to see Twilight...what did you think? I've heard mixed reviews, so I'll either wait for the cheapy theater or DVD.